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From the Innkeeper

Watermelon Rind Pickles – After all These Years…

Secret Watermelon Rind Recipe finally! The recipe is still stored in an old, red recipe box that I gave to my mother, Chloe, when I was a child. The paper is faded and creased; but it is just as I remember it. When I was in college I used to visit friends in Currituck County, near the… Click to get Miss Zulim’s Watermelon Rind Pickle Recipe

Watermelon Punch says Summer at Big Mill B&B

Summer in coastal North Carolina means great watermelons. When I was growing up on the farm my father had three rows of watermelons that were at least a city block long. That was a lot of watermelons. In July and August we would drive the pickup truck into the field and load all the watermelons… Click here to get the Watermelon Punch Recipe

Summertime at Big Mill

To me, summers at Big Mill are about the night. The air is soft. Sitting in a wicker swing, for a few moments all is quiet. Then the sounds come. Bullfrogs show off with their throaty noises and then you can hear kaplop as they swim away. I am always amazed to see how big… Read more