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A Letter from the Fur Person *

This summer has been tough on me with this fur coat and my advancing years. I haven’t done much except lounge about in the shade of the bushes and under the house.

This precious kitty is enjoying a sun bath at the farm B and B, Big Mill, in Williamston, NC | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/a-letter-from-the-fur-person/

Moses is embarrassed after her bath – Bless her heart

Chloe has tried to help by giving me numerous baths. I hate to admit it, but I am actually getting so that I don’t even mind. I also have been given several sponge baths, whatever that is. I do feel better after it is all finally over.

Chloe wanted to post a photo of me taking a bath, but that is not very lady-like, and I do have my scruples. When Playboy did the photo shoot here at Big Mill,they asked me to be in the May issue; I refused.

I haven’t done any hunting; it has just been too hot. I haven’t visited neighbors, their dogs are a bunch of hooligans and I prefer to stay home.

The mockingbird eats my food, I don’t care. The hummingbirds fly right up to me and I don’t move a muscle. I am practicing my “I don’t care and am not interested” attitude. I spend much time with my back turned to folks who want my attention. I have to maintain my superiority.

This precious kitty is enjoying a sun bath at the farm B and B, Big Mill, in Williamston, NC | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/a-letter-from-the-fur-person/

Life on the farm is good for Moses

The highlight of my day is the nightly spot of cream that I have whenever Chloe finishes her work. We both sit outside and gaze off over the lakes – life is good.

Check out The Fur Person by May Sarton

Moses the Big Mill B&B Cat

Moses the Big Mill B&B cat
From the innkeeper at Big Mill Bed & Breakfast 252-792-8787

Chloe Tuttle Big Mill Bed and Breakfast near Greenville NC

I miss sweet Moses every day. She is now feeding the fig trees. I planted two pomegranates but she quickly disposed of them. She must like the fig.

Chloe Tuttle
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