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Rain Gutter Gardening at Big Mill Bed & Breakfast

I heard about this new gardening idea – it is called the Rain Gutter Grow System (RGGS). Being a real southern farm girl, I love farming and gardening. Once I read about this innovative growing system, I couldn’t wait to start.

Rain Gutter Grow System Garden at Big Mill B&B in eastern NC | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/rain-gutter-gardening-big-mill-bed-breakfast/

Chloe’s Rain Gutter Garden in July

Basically the Rain Gutter Grow System is a self-watering container gardening system “on steroids.”  Plants grow in pots or bags in either a gutter or pipe or even a kiddie pool. 

My garden this year is phenomenal – there were ripe tomatoes in EARLY June, a full month ahead of time. I used Miracle Grow potting soil for my tomatoes; for the other plants I mixed my own potting soil. The fun part is that I do not have to water the plants…it is automatic. There are no weeds to pull. Oh, my goodness, this is wonderful.

This growing system was started by an old Hippie, well, maybe not, but I assume he is. He makes you listen to a song about the northern lights before  the “how-to” video starts. My mind went to Crosby, Stills and Nash and their “Southern Cross” and my sailing days.

Larry Hall is his name and he has started a gardening revolution. Larry has a huge following on Facebook and folks all over the world are doing the “RGGS,” as they call it. He was tired of coming home from work to a bunch of weeds in his garden. I agree.

Larry usually uses an open gutter for his watering system. A friend, Don, helped me install my system and he suggested I use a new 5-inch sewer pipe (made in USA) instead of the open gutter. It works great. I chose to plant in 5-gallon buckets, but you can use grow bags to hold the growing mix.

The idea is that there is a hole in the bottom of the bucket with a net cup (strainer) that fits through the hole and sticks into the “gutter” to wick up the water from the gutter or pipe. You drill a 3-inch hole in the pipe where the bucket sits. If you use the gutter instead of the the pipe, this step isn’t necessary. Don did the engineering part — I did the gardening part.

Rain Gutter Grow System Garden at Big Mill B&B in eastern NC | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/rain-gutter-gardening-big-mill-bed-breakfast/

Don Drilling the 3-inch Hole in the Buckets

A water pipe is inserted into the end of the sewer pipe and there is a float (rather like in a toilet) that will turn on and off the water supply as needed. See my video below.

This is the first video of Larry’s that I watched and it is my favorite. Get comfortable and listen. After you watch this, tell me that you don’t think he is one of “us.” He gives a link in the description where you can find more information and tips.

By the way – I think I have the most photographed garden in eastern North Carolina. My guests love it, but none of them have seen it before.

This gardening system is a science and Larry has it figured out. Thanks, Larry!

Chloe Tuttle Big Mill Bed and Breakfast near Greenville NC


Big Mill Bed & Breakfast, Williamston, NC 252-792-8787

Chloe Tuttle
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