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Fruit Stands and Pick-up Trucks

In summer, folks flock to farmer’s markets to get all those fresh fruits and vegetables. In small towns we grow our own and go to roadside stands.

Watermelons by the road side in eastern North Carolina near Big Mill BB @BigMil | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/fruit-stands-and-pick-up-trucks

My favorite Watermelon will sell only Melons from Rock Hock

And in very small towns, we count on the farmer who sits by the road in the back of his pickup truck loaded with things from his large garden – and if we are very lucky, there are watermelons from Rocky Hock.

Rocky Hock watermelons Served at Big Mill BB near Greenville NC @BibMill | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/fruit-stands-and-pick-up-trucks

Melons grown in Rock Hock, NC are just the BEST

Folks around here want watermelons from Rocky Hock, NC, an area near the Albemarle Sound, where we say the watermelons and cantaloupes just taste better. By the way, the Albemarle Sound area also produced author Inglis Fletcher.

So — if you see a man sitting in the parking lot of the ABC store or even the Piggly Wiggly parking lot – stop and buy something from him. They move around, and I have to go from parking lot to parking lot to find them. But it is worth it !

For Big Mill B&BI buy three watermelons every time I see a watermelon truck. We serve our guests watermelon, we eat watermelon and we make Watermelon Punch. What are some of your favorite things to do with watermelon?

Rocky Hock watermelons Served at Big Mill BB near Greenville NC @BibMill | https://chloesblog.bigmill.com/fruit-stands-and-pick-up-trucks

Bon appetite Chloe Tuttle Big Mill Bed and Breakfast near Greenville NC from Innkeeper at Big Mill Bed & Breakfast 252-792-8787

Chloe Tuttle
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