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I’ve Written a Cookbook!

I have always wanted to write a cookbook that told the stories behind the recipes.

Innkeeper at Big Mill BB Chloe Tuttle has new cookbook of Southern Recipes

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One time, I took a month off and house-sat for my friends in the Florida Keys. Well, as usual, I was sidetracked with the beauty of the area. I would make a recipe and spend all my time taking photos of the food. I do love to photograph food – it doesn’t whine or wiggle or complain that the picture makes it look fat.

Friend Jody has helped me FINALLY produce a wee digital cookbook that features some of my favorite Southern recipes; we call it Chloe Ann’s Farm Life Recipes. My folks grew up in an area very close to Big Mill B&B called Farm Life, so that seemed like a lovely homage.

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While we were pulling this book together I was happy that I took the pictures. I’m guessing all these recipes will hold memories for those of us who grew up in the South.

I hope you enjoy it and I promise there are more to come.

Chloe Tuttle Big Mill Bed and Breakfast near Greenville NC



Chloe Tuttle
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