2025 marks forty-six years that the folks of Piney Grove Baptist Church in the Farm Life Community near Williamston, NC, have been performing this 90-minute outdoor drama of the life and death of Jesus Christ in the small Eastern North Carolina community of Farm Life, not very far from Big Mill Bed and Breakfast. This… Click to read more about the Outdoor Drama
What’s Happening?
War wages every year on the first weekend in November as the Confederates attempt to defend Fort Branch against the Union Army. Fort Branch is located in Hamilton, North Carolina — just about 12 miles from Big Mill Bed and Breakfast. Yankee reenactor Mike Kerriker (below) gets his weapon ready for battle in the annual Civil War Battle… Click here to read more about the Battle of Ft. Branch
‘Bet you never even heard of Dinner on the Ground. Sadly, it has been called a fading tradition. It seems these days I look up and things I thought would always be there are gone or leaving. Dinner on the Ground is one of them. But for now they are still with us. For many years it has… Read more
Chloe announced to me several days ago that I should take a bath and make myself pretty because we were going to a special event. I didn’t really think she meant it. I don’t get out much, and we cats can be “subject to violent anxiety at any uprooting.” * Well, today we motored in a car into Williamston and gathered on… Read more
This summer has been tough on me with this fur coat and my advancing years. I haven’t done much except lounge about in the shade of the bushes and under the house. Chloe has tried to help by giving me numerous baths. I hate to admit it, but I am actually getting so that I… Read more