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Chloe Tuttle

Effie’s Switch House French Dressing

Aunt Effie’s Switch-House Salad Dressing (Miss Effie’s Dressing) My Aunt Effie ran an after-hours place called The Switch, so named because it was beside the “switch” for the railroad tracks. It was a popular spot for night owls, tobacco buyers and peanut graders who were in town during the harvest season. Teeney cooked the best… Click to get Recipe for Effie’s Dressing

Best Banana Bread has a Secret Ingredient

It seems all banana breads taste the same. Well, not this banana bread. Banana Bread has a Secret Ingredient • 1 large egg• 1/4 cup corn oil• ¾ cups sugar• 1 teaspoon vanilla• 1/4 cup milk• 1/2 cup mashed over-ripe banana (1 VERY RIPE banana)• 1 cup self-rising flour• 1 dash salt• 1/2 cup walnuts… click to get the recipe for this Best Banana Bread

Hearty Beef Vegetable Soup – the BEST Ever!

This Hearty Beef Vegetable Soup-Stew is the best soup I have ever had. It is not cheap, about $30 to make or $3.75 a bowl – but it’s a meal and worth every penny. I am not a meat eater but this could persuade me. Hearty Beef Vegetable Soup – the BEST Ever! • 2-3… Read more

Best Corn Pudding Recipe Is EASY

This is the best Corn Pudding I have ever tasted – and it is made with canned corn. If your budget is tight, this is a great dish to make, especially for those “pot-luck” dinners. It also has an amusing history — a friend Mary Anne gave me the recipe and now everyone thinks it… click to read more about Chloe’s Corn Pudding

Chicken Mull – The Forgotten Comfort Food

I had never heard of Chicken Mull until a few years ago. And then I found out that the Chicken Mull Festival happens 8 miles from me in Bear Grass, NC, population 69.  This year, the festival is on Saturday, October 28, 2023. My friend Nancy Sparks had a great recipe for Chicken Mull, so… Click to learn the history of Chicken Mull and to see about the Festival

The Flower Killing Moon

When you see that beautiful full moon in May – know that it is a Flower Moon. It occurs at the time in spring when flowers pop up everywhere. David Grann writes on page one in his book Killers of the Flower Moon, “In April, millions of tiny flowers spread over the blackjack hills and… click to read about the Flower Killing Moon in eastern North Carolina

 Who can resist a pretty flower? Some of them, you can eat!  Spring and Summer offer many edible flowers; fall has fewer, but they are beauties – and easy to grow. A fun thing to do with edible flowers is to freeze them in ice cube trays for drinks and punch. You can use these… Click to see how to make Edible Flower Ice Cubes – it’s EASY

Sausage Gravy – Southern Comfort Food

Sausage Gravy is a southern comfort food.  We southerners have always enjoyed good pork sausage – when I was young, we raised hogs and had hog killings. And we didn’t waste anything, not even grease, fat or lard; hence, our love of sausage gravy. This recipe was given to me by one of my long… Click to get Chloe’s recipe for Sausage Gravy

Best Bone Broth Beef Vegetable Soup

Who says Bone Broth has to be boring? This Beef Vegetable Soup made with bones is the best I have ever tasted. The secret – BONES. This soup uses bone-in chuck roast and oxtails. Another secret ingredient is lard.  Our grandmothers were right – lard is great. If it weren’t for bacon and this soup… Click to get Chloe’s Bone Broth Beef Vegetabl Soup Recipe

Popcorn Sutton & His Moonshine Likker

Popcorn Sutton was a short, squirrelly dude with a trashy mouth, and I can’t help but be fascinated by his persona. READER BEWARE: Popcorn had a smart mouth and made some lewd signs depicted in the photos that he sent to me. He was born Marvin Sutton; folks knew him as Popcorn. The story is… Click to see photos and story of Popcorn Sutton – BEWARE – some are lewd.