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Explore New Tastes and Textures — It’s Vegetarian Awareness Month

It is Vegetarian Awareness Month. Find these vegetarian recipes and try out a few on your family this month. | www.ChloesBlog.com
While waiting on the plane to carry me back to Big Mill B&B, I decided to dash off a quick blog post in honor of Vegetarian Awareness Month (October). 

I’ve been 95% vegetarian for decades, so it is second nature for me. But it can be quite a fun adventure to explore the tastes and textures of vegetarian recipes.

Here are eight recipes from Chloe’s Blog to make it easy to dip your toe in:

Rutabaga & Rice Soup

Gazpacho – Chilled Tomato Soup

Good-For-You Couscous Salad

Zucchini Grape Tomato Quiche

Barney’s Killer Salsa

Hayman Sweet Potato Fries

Chloe’s Sweet Potato Soup

Bon Appetite!

Chloe Tuttle Big Mill Bed and Breakfast near Greenville NC

Big Mill Bed and Breakfast  252-792-8787

Chloe Tuttle
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