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Frogs and Critters

Kermit never looked so cute…and green!

Big Mill Bed and Breakfast nature photographer wins photography award in Wildlife in North Carolina magazine photo contest

Photo by Guy Livesay

Wildlife in North Carolina magazine’s 2009 photo competition had over 7,000 entries. This photograph taken by Guy Livesay, who lives right here in eastern North Carolina, was a winner! Other winning photos can be seen in the January, 2010 issue.

Many a late afternoon here at Big Mill you might see Guy and other photographers wandering around looking for that perfect photograph. Some of the folks are snapping shots of brides, graduates, babies — often with Old Red Truck taking center stage.

Guy Livesay, Eastern North Carolina photographer, snaps this hummingbird at North Carolina Bed and Breakfast at Big Mill

Photo by Guy Livesay

But Guy can be seen patiently waiting by a zinnia, sunflower, cleome or azalea for just the right shot of a hummingbird or butterfly or bee – any of Mother Nature’s creatures are beautiful in the photos of a gifted artist like Guy.

 Nature on the farm at Big Mill Bed and Breakfast, near Greenville, NC

Photo by Guy Livesay

With these wonderful photos each perfect creature momentarily stands still for us to see. When you come to visit Big Mill B&B, be sure to bring your camera. These birds and butterflies will pose for you.

Note: You can see more of Guy’s work at Livesay Photography.  If you see a bridge, a pack house or an old red truck in their photos, chances are that the photo was taken here at Big Mill.

Big Mill Bed & Breakfast 252-792-8787

Chloe Tuttle
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